You probably think it’s overkill to use Kubernetes for a WordPress blog with less than a thousand monthly visitors. While this may be true, it’s totally worth using Kubernetes for the bragging rights. This is a WordPress blog running on Kubernetes!

You probably think it’s overkill to use Kubernetes for a WordPress blog with less than a thousand monthly visitors. While this may be true, it’s totally worth using Kubernetes for the bragging rights. This is a WordPress blog running on Kubernetes!
I am sure every PHP developer has a colleague they hate because he/she coded the application they started maintaining. This is mostly because the code is old. New standards become common, they learn what they used to do was inefficient, unreadable, or complicated. As PHP is a language that changed significantly over the years, code written a few years ago will certainly look outdated.
That being said, this post is not about the old PHP code. This post shows how to be a bad programmer even when following standards. Please don’t be this person.
This is probably the one I hate the most. It also makes the lines too long because of the indentation caused by each of the nested if statements.
In this tutorial I will explain how to execute composer vendor binaries without typing vendor/bin every time. Continue reading Run Vendor Binaries w/o Typing vendor/bin
Ever wondered how many people are on your website? Do you think Analytics Real-Time shows all of the visitors? If you don’t have any clicks in 5 minutes (which I believe is the timeout of Analytics Real-Time) you won’t be seeing that user in Analytics Real-Time. Continue reading Analytics Real-Time Alike Real Online Script
In Parament theme for WordPress author name is shown above each post by default and there is no option to remove it. If you don’t want to show author names you are at the right place. Continue reading Remove Author Name from Parament Theme for WordPress