Mozilla VPN is a VPN solution that uses the WireGuard protocol. Unfortunately for Fedora users, there’s no official guide on installing it for Fedora. That said, since 6th July 2021 there are Mozilla VPN RPM packages on GitHub Actions. This article will show you how to get these RPMs.
Continue reading Install Mozilla VPN RPM from Binary on FedoraCategory Archives: Technology
Philips BG2036 Body Groomer Battery Replacement
If you own a Phillips BG2036, you probably had it for a while because it’s quite an old product. Certainly, by now, its battery is not functioning as good and you probably need to replace it now.

Hidden Method of Sharing Another User’s Video on Twitter
Do you hate that videos in quote tweets are smaller on Twitter? You may also want to remove the text of the tweet and share the video only. If you noticed a text “From <user>” under some posts with videos, you have seen these kinds of posts already. We can call this directly sharing a video on Twitter.

Anker 7-in-1 USB-C Hub for Linux
If, like most people, you’re working on a laptop, I’m sure hubs and docking stations sparked your interest. With whopping 7 ports Anker 7-in-1 USB-C Hub should have all the ports you need. If you’re a Linux user you’ll be happy to know that all the ports works on Linux.

What’s the best Kubernetes distribution for local environments?
There are plenty of Kubernetes distributions available that can be used to install Kubernetes locally. They tend to use minimal resources which is ideal. Question is what’s the best Kubernetes distribution for local use?
Local Kubernetes Distributions
This post contains benchmarks and reviews of the following Kubernetes distributions:
Continue reading What’s the best Kubernetes distribution for local environments?How I passed Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam
I started working with Kubernetes in 2018 (about 3 years ago). In 2019, I successfully migrated a production application into an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. I’ve been managing that cluster for more than 2 years. All this made me confident that it would be easy for me to pass Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam.

Single-node Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi
I’ve recently got a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB. I wanted to have one just to try running Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi. Most resources on the web seem to be for a huge cluster with a dozen nodes but I wanted to do it with a single node.
Operating system
As the operating system I chose Ubuntu because of its Pi support even though I prefer Red Hat based distros.
Continue reading Single-node Kubernetes on Raspberry PiCheap & durable keyboard & mouse set by Logitech
As a programmer I care about the keyboard and mouse I use whilst working. I’ve been a fan of Logitech since I was a teenager. I loved Logitech GT27 steering wheel, their mice, and keyboards which I used when I was younger. I guess I have a bit of a bias on Logitech products. Read my review to decide whether my bias shows.
I’ve been using Logitech K270 keyboard and Anywhere MX mouse for 9 years. I’ve bought the first keyboard and mouse set in 2012 (9 years before this post) and got a second pair in 2016 (5 years before this post). I use one of the pairs for home and one for the office.
Logitech K270 keyboard
Continue reading Cheap & durable keyboard & mouse set by Logitech
XPS 13: Replacing WiFi Adapter
For those who don’t know, the Broadcom WiFi that comes with Dell XPS 13 is not supported by most current Linux distributions (kernel version < 4.4). Continue reading XPS 13: Replacing WiFi Adapter
UEFI and GPT Mess with Windows 10 and Linux
I’ve recently bought a Dell XPS 13 9350.
I tried installing Fedora on it but the installer was not able to detect the SSD. I tried disabling UEFI and it worked. The problem was that as soon as I disabled it I was no longer able to boot into Windows 10. I tried different combinations and every change that resulted in Fedora installer seeing the drive, broke Windows 10 boot setup. I thought I would be able to enable UEFI after the setup and use Windows 10 whenever I needed it and decided to install Fedora.
Continue reading UEFI and GPT Mess with Windows 10 and Linux