Is the item you’re putting into the recycling, recyclable? According to the BBC, councils failed to recycle 338,000t waste in 2014-15. In the UK, recycling plants send most of the rejected recycling for incineration.
Pringles cans

Although made of recyclable materials, recycling plants don’t accept Pringles cans. The reason for this is that the plants cannot separate the materials that make the can. Pringles and Terracycle joined together in 2019 to collect and recycle the cans.
Crisp packets
Crisp packets use metallised plastic film for their packaging. So like most plastic films, kerbside recycling doesn’t accept them. You can either drop them off at a Terracycle drop-off point or at a supermarket carrier bag collection point. Unfortunately, neither of those options are as convenient as kerbside collection.

Contrary to popular belief, toys are not generally recycled. This is due to the mixture of materials that make every toy. The alternative is to recycle by separating the materials (e.g. batteries, metal springs). Of course, if they work, it’s better to donate them.
Toothpaste tubes

Toothpaste tubes contain several types of plastic and an aluminium layer. Therefore, you cannot put them in recycling bins. Colgate and Terracycle, however, have teamed up to offer drop-off points for Colgate toothpaste tubes.
Glass items

Councils accept jars and bottles for recycling, and plants can recycle them endlessly. However, glass cookware, drinking glasses, mirrors, and light bulbs are not recyclable at home. The reason is that they go through different manufacturing processes, which make them difficult to recycle.

It’s easy to think receipts are recyclable, as they are made from paper. This is wrong, however, because thermal receipts contain Bisphenol A (BPA). BPA in these receipts can contaminate the paper products that the recycling plant produces. Thermal paper is shiny and shows black marks when scratched.

Did you know the recyclability of these items? Hopefully, this article has made you aware of what you can put in the recycling bin. Together, we can reduce the time recycling plants spend on items that they cannot recycle. Think before placing each item in the recycling.