You probably think it’s overkill to use Kubernetes for a WordPress blog with less than a thousand monthly visitors. While this may be true, it’s totally worth using Kubernetes for the bragging rights. This is a WordPress blog running on Kubernetes!

You probably think it’s overkill to use Kubernetes for a WordPress blog with less than a thousand monthly visitors. While this may be true, it’s totally worth using Kubernetes for the bragging rights. This is a WordPress blog running on Kubernetes!
I’ve recently set up automated backups to Google Drive on my CentOS 7 Linux VPS to protect my blog posts from data loss. I don’t know why it took so long for me to care about backups of my own data. I chose to back up to Google Drive since I already have a Google One plan that has plenty of available storage space.
Recently I remembered that I had this little handy script that I used to backup my WordPress blog. The script contains only 2 actual commands.
I used nice while compressing / uncompressing the files to avoid CPU throttling since my blog is running on a shared hosting server.
This WordPress backup script doesn’t work without user interaction since it needs you to enter the password. Continue reading WordPress Backup Script
In Parament theme for WordPress author name is shown above each post by default and there is no option to remove it. If you don’t want to show author names you are at the right place. Continue reading Remove Author Name from Parament Theme for WordPress