You probably think it’s overkill to use Kubernetes for a WordPress blog with less than a thousand monthly visitors. While this may be true, it’s totally worth using Kubernetes for the bragging rights. This is a WordPress blog running on Kubernetes!

You probably think it’s overkill to use Kubernetes for a WordPress blog with less than a thousand monthly visitors. While this may be true, it’s totally worth using Kubernetes for the bragging rights. This is a WordPress blog running on Kubernetes!
Metrics are very important in your Kubernetes cluster because you need them to monitor the pod resource usage. You also need metrics to trigger an autoscale using an Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). Metrics Server provides CPU and memory metrics so you can see them in Kubernetes Dashboard’s fancy graphs.
There are many tools out there to provision single-node Kubernetes clusters but kubeadm is the way to go for a production-like set-up. Although it is more difficult to create a cluster with kubeadm, with its configuration options you can tweak the cluster to your needs. By following this post you can easily create a Single-node Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm on Ubuntu 20.04.
Firewalld has replaced iptables as a default in many Linux distributions. It is now the default firewall in CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and SUSE Linux Enterprise. You can also install it on Debian and Ubuntu from their official package repositories.
Luckily firewall configuration with firewalld is very easy, especially for predefined services like http, https, ssh, etc.
Continue reading Inbound Firewall Configuration with FirewalldIn this tutorial I will explain how to execute composer vendor binaries without typing vendor/bin every time. Continue reading Run Vendor Binaries w/o Typing vendor/bin
Are you having memory leak issues with your Minecraft Server on Linux? The solution might be in this post. I’ve been running a MC server on my VPS (HeartInternet) for the last 4 months. It was all good until we started exploring the map. The MC server was randomly being killed and this message was coming up in our screen:
Internal Exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
As a web developer having experience on Windows and Linux, I prefer to work on Linux servers. Here are the reasons why (for CentOS – might not be same for all distributions):
If you want to see where your users are coming from, you can use MaxMind‘s GeoIP Country or GeoLite Country (Free version). The easiest way to do this is to download the database in CSV format and to import it into your MySQL database. Continue reading Faster GeoIP Country on MySQL Database